viernes, 17 de junio de 2011

The things I need to remember

- A long time ago, I thought I couldn't do certain things, this is the day where I'm out of my house, under my own terms, and never been more proud of myself

- There was a time where I thought nothing good ever happened to me, this is the day when I can make miracles happen in my life.

- There was also a time, where I thought all of my friends would be by my side when hard things happen. I've suffer some major losts this last year.

- Life can turn 180º any moment, any day, anywhere regarding what you feel or how it will make you feel.

- Always carry something to write on, and a camara in case you have it.

- If you had a bad day, look around, you might find something to laugh about, like an over-sized man with a "Batgirl" t-shirt on.

- Always carry with you a song that makes you happy, you never know when you might need it

- Don't be rude to Customer Service unless they are rude to you. It's not their fault their product sucks, they're just trying to make a living like you.

- Even if it doesn't work out, all of this, I've never been this happy in my entire life.

- There is always another option. Maybe you just missed it.

- One time, I was feeling low, and an old man needed a sit in the bus, I gave him mine 'cause the other side of the seat didn't have any protection, he thanked me, and said it was the nicest gester anyone had done for him in a long time.

- Sometimes people surprise you. The catch is that it's not always in a good way.

sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

There are sometimes in life where you come to realiza that you're in a different kind of situation both sentimental and in terms of life, where you're just happy and everyone else notices it. Thank you for everything, all of you

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

He had, the perfect smile, that made you feel loved
He had, the perfect eyes, in which you could see his honesty
He had, the perfect mouth, so soft and tender, just like him
He had everything anyone could want; he was beautiful, in every sense of the word
He was perfect
He still is.
He had Michelangelo’s David beauty,
Most of all, he was the kind of man
Who would let you have the last piece of something
He was my King and I was his Queen
I loved him with everything I own

domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

Is it that hard to understand me?
Is it that hard to love me?
Everything that involves me in the process is hard

martes, 25 de enero de 2011

Why is it always so damn hard... The eternal battle between what I know and what I'm thinking, I just wish I could stop doing that, it's ruining me... It's ruining what I feel...
I don't know about us anymore